Farmers Pride

Winter Propane Safety
Tips for keeping your propane tank running effectively and safely this winter!
Merry Christmas from your Farmers Pride Cooperative manager team! ...
Celebrated by cooperatives nationwide during the month of October, 'National Co-op Month' is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of a trusted, proven way to do business and build resilient, inclusive communities. Under the theme “The Future is Cooperative,” this year’s Co-op Month is also a chance to envision a cooperative future. At Farmers Pride, we are honoring the past 90+ years, and looking forward to our future. Farmers Pride, In the Field, On your Farm, In your Community. ...
The program matches dollar-for-dollar cash donations made by member cooperatives to hometown projects, human service organizations, education/youth (FFA/4-H), civic and art endeavors, and hunger programs. Farmers Pride and the Land O' Lakes matching program awarded over $14,000 to local projects.