If you asked a group of Farmers Pride agronomy customers what they like about doing business with us, the answer we most like to hear is that we’re good listeners. We enjoy learning as much as we can about your farm, and understand your challenges, goals and management philosophy before we make a recommendation.
Our agronomists are strong advocates of soil testing—either by the grid, zone or field. Once we know what your soil needs (and what it doesn’t) we can overlay those results with maps from your combine’s yield monitor. This creates a picture of every acre you farm, including which parts of your fields need more nutrients, and which parts may need less.
Creating a field-by-field plan helps ensure we’re not over- or under-applying fertilizer, which is good for both the environment as well as your checkbook. To learn more, talk to your local Farmers Pride agronomist today!
Farmers Pride Agronomy
The agronomy team at Farmers Pride works hard to keep our fertilizer, crop protection and planting equipment up to date and ready to go when you need us. We make every effort to show up on time for deliveries and applications, and our drivers and applicators are trained and licensed to apply fertilizer and crop protection products both safely and accurately. The services we offer include:
- Grid Soil Sampling
- Soil Sampling
- Variable Rate Prescriptions
- Variable Rate Fertilizer Application
- Custom Pesticide Application
- Pneumatic Fertilizer Application
- Agricultural Lime Application
- Crop Scouting
- Tissue Sampling
- Seed Placement

What works in the field
Farmers Pride carries a wide range of crop protection products from all manufacturers and suppliers. Our agronomists know what’s working (and what’s not) on a real-time basis, because they’re in the field virtually every day during the growing season.
The success of your business is what drives every recommendation we make. We never forget that we work for you, our customer, and we simply won’t push products or services that you don’t need or want.
Our Site-Specific Agronomy Program is Farmers Pride’s premiere agronomy offering. It combines industry best management practices (BMPs) with advanced technology to maximize your profit opportunities. Some of these include:
- Grid soil sampling
- Variable rate fertilizer application
- Hybrid selection and plant population recommendations
- Seed placement
- Cover crop and tillage options
We test products with local side-by-side trials and partner with the Winfield United Answer Plot System to find out what works best for our area, and in your fields. Based on what we’ve learned, we’ll recommend products with proven return on investment, such as Field Power Starter Fertilizer, as well as nitrogen stability enhancement products such as NutriSphere and Avail.

Our technology experts can also help you get the most out of your own technology platforms, including those from Climate Corp and the Winfield R7 Tool

Climate FieldView Plus
Climate Fieldview’s goal is to put all your data in one place. Through the Cab App, you can collect weather, planting, spraying, harvest, and fertilizer as-applied data all in one place then break the data down into useable information in the Fieldview App. We can also upload all your grid sampling data to give you additional insights into your fields.

Climate FieldView Pro
With all that data you’ve collected over the years, now you have a tool at your disposal to compile your yield and soil data into variable rate planting and anhydrous maps.
Climate also has research-backed calculations tracking your nitrogen in your soil so you don’t over apply or under apply your fertilizer.

FMT Satellites collect data 4-7 times a week and compares your field`s NDVI mass to other fields planted within the same maturity and planting window. Then it provides a report of fields trending up or down and gives us an early warning to nutrient deficiencies, diseases, or insect pressure.

The R7® Tool Profitability Map connects input costs and yield potential map data to determine ROI at an acre level. We can assign variable costs to a Rx map and overlay that with harvest data. Areas found to be less profitable provide an opportunity to better align input investments with yield potential the following year.

Sustainability Possibilities For Your Operation
The carbon offset market is relatively new and can be confusing. Let Farmers Pride help you get the best carbon deal on the market today. TruTerra's carbon offer is available if you have made a reduction in tillage or added cover crops to your operation within the last four years. Growers can potentially earn up to $30/tonne for generation new carbon stored.
Farmers Pride has partnered with TruTerra to bring our growers access to sustainability services and the carbon credit market. These services are designed to meet farmers with their sustainability journey on a field by field basis. The TruTerra soil health assessment sets quantifiable baselines and provides custom recommendations to improve soil health and resiliency.
Stop by any of our agronomy locations and visit with our agronomist team to go over a sustainability plan for your fields, and see how you can take advantage of the emerging carbon credit market.
Find the TruTerra program that best complements where you are in your sustainability journey!
The Right Seed for the Job
Farmers Pride offers corn hybrids and soybean varieties from DeKalb, Asgrow, Croplan, NK and Credenz from BASF. It’s important to remember that the best seed for your farm may not be the most expensive seed, which is often stacked with traits you may or may not need.
Armed with years of local WinField United Answer Plot data, as well as seed trials from the University of Nebraska, our agronomists can help you choose the best corn and soybean genetics for the soils you farm, the disease and insect pressures you face as well as your level of risk tolerance.
We also offer industry-leading seed treatment options, which help protect your crops while they’re still in the ground and then get them off to the fastest start possible.