Extended Price Program
Get a cash advance from the cooperative totaling 70% of the value of your grain at harvest, then use futures contracts (March/May/July) for the opportunity to sell some of your remaining crop at higher prices into next year.

Finding A Home for Your Grain.
In northeast Nebraska, we’re fortunate to be within driving distance of multiple ethanol plants creating demand for our corn producers. Soybean crushing plants and large livestock feeding operations are also close by. Our grain marketing team and expert advisors are in the markets every day, looking for pricing opportunities in a very challenging environment.
Our first priority is to our member-owners, who in turn rely on the cooperative to provide as many grain marketing options as possible. At Farmers Pride, we understand that if our farm customers don’t make money, everyone who lives and works in the communities we serve will feel the effects as well.
Diversify your marketing efforts using one or more of these grain marketing tools.

Direct Ship Grain Program
Once your grain is in the bin, Farmers Pride Direct-Ship/Producer-Delivered Grain Program can help you find the most profitable market with direct-ship destinations that include Albion, Columbus, Fremont, Jackson, Hastings, Council Bluffs, Norfolk, Plainview and Sioux City.
Advantages for your operation:
Allows for personalized off-the-farm pick-up and/or your own truck-delivered destinations.
Allows you to take advantage of our daily contacts with regional processors.
For more information, call your local Farmers Pride grain location:
This contract offers grain farmers the ability to lock in the futures market portion on a cash grain contract. The basis portion of the cash grain contract will be locked in at a later date, allowing growers to take advantage of a more favorable basis.
Grain Marketing Pool
Commit a certain number of post-harvest bushels to a “marketing pool,” which is then managed by an outside marketing expert selected by Farmers Pride. Monthly meetings update producers on grain markets and outlook, percentage of grain sold, and other variables. All grain is technically priced for sale no later than August 31 of the marketing pool year, although options allow some additional flexibility to the marketing manager.
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